All QuickStart Servers can be reinstalled independently in just a few minutes. The reinstallation will result in the deletion of the data on the server. During the operation, you can customize the disk partitioning and automatically install some packages (such as the Plesk panel).

If you have specific needs or want to try an operating system not listed, you can upload your own ISO image.

To reimage the server, log in to the customer area, enter the server details page, and press "Reinstall Server" in the left menu.


Press the "Reinstall Server" button; a popup will open with the possible choices.


OS Template it is the operating system that we would like to install. Currently, you can choose from over 10 different systems.

Hostname it is the name that we must give to the server. The hostname must be in the format srv.myserver.tld

User name it is the SSH access username to the server. Most operating systems have root access disabled, and it is necessary to first log in with this user account. For Windows systems, we recommend using the username Administrator. The root user cannot be used.

Password e Root Password these are the SSH/rDesktop access passwords.

Disk Layout it refers to the partitioning chosen during installation. If left blank, the system will install on the first available disk. Raid configurations should be understood as software raid. If the server is equipped with a RAID controller, you can configure the controller in RAID0,1,5,10 mode and leave the disk layout empty.


By pressing confirm, the reinstallation of the operating system will begin, lasting approximately 5-10 minutes for Linux systems and 20 minutes for Windows systems. The server will restart several times. You can check the progress of the installation on the service dashboard or by opening the console.

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