All QuickStart Servers can be independently reinstalled in just a few minutes either through templates or by starting from one's own ISO image.

To start the operation, log-in to the customer area, enter the server details page, and press "ISO Images" in the left menu.

To upload a new image, click on the "Add ISO Image" button. A pop-up will open where we will insert the public link from which to retrieve the image and the mnemonic name we wish to assign to it.

Wait for the image to be correctly saved. It must change to the "Completed" status.



Now that the image is uploaded, note the ID on the left (in this case, 36), as we will need it later. Return to the server details and press the "Console KVM/noVNC" button. From the console, press on Virtual Media.

In the Map CD/DVD section, press on Browse.

A Linux environment will open, navigate to /home/iso and open the folder with the number saved earlier (in this case 36). Select our ISO and press "Open".


Now press "MAP Device" and then "Connect Virtual Media".

From the console, we can start the installation of our ISO by selecting the corresponding entry in the server's boot loader at startup.

At any time, you can delete your ISO by going to the "ISO Images" section and pressing the trash bin icon.


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