The Q.A. range of QuickStart Servers is equipped with PERC raid controllers. By default, the servers are delivered in HBA mode to install the operating system on a single disk or to configure software RAID.
Optionally, it is possible to set the controller to manage RAID. The possible options are: Raid0, 1, 5, 10.
To reimage the server, log in to the customer area, enter the server details page, and press "Console KVM/noVNC" button.
Enter in the Raid Controller Bios
Restart the server, and when the startup screen appears, press the "F2" key to enter the BIOS.
and enter the details of the controller by navigating to "Device Settings" -> "Raid Controller".
Convert controller to RAID Mode
We need to switch the controller from HBA to RAID mode. Press on "Controller Management," scroll down and press on "Advanced Controller Management." Then press "Switch to RAID mode."
Restart the server and re-enter the controller's BIOS.
Press on "Configuration Management."
Press on "Convert to RAID Capable"
Select both disks and press ok. On the following page, confirm your choice.
Return to the "Main Menu" page and press "Configuration Manager" again. Press on "Create Virtual Disk," select the type of RAID you want, and press "Select Physical Disks."
If you do not see the disks, in "Select Media Type" select SSD. The disks will appear. Select them and press "Apply Changes."
Confirm, scroll down, and press "Create Virtual Disk." We can now exit the server setup; the disks are now in Hardware RAID mode.
Convert the Controller from RAID to HBA (spare disks for configurations in Software RAID or no RAID).
Enter the BIOS as previously indicated.
Press on "Configuration Management" -> "Clear Configuration"
Press on "Controller Management", scroll down and press "Advanced Controller Management". Press on "Switch to HBA mode"
Restart the server. At this point, the disks will be in "NON Raid Mode".