When you install proxmox 8 on the Quickstart server the hostname needs to resolve to the primary server IP. 

If you already installed proxmox without fixing the hostname resolution, you can access SSH, but the web interface will not work. 

To fix installation please digit:

nano -w /etc/hosts

Change the server hosts file to permit the server to resolve the hostname with his primary IP. For example: If the hostname is server1.seflow.net and the server IP is we need to change hosts file like: localhost localhost.localdomain server1.seflow.net server1

Save the changes and check that resolution is ok

hostname --ip-address

If the output is your server IP, we can now complete the installation:

apt-get clean all
echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bookworm pve-no-subscription" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-install-repo.list
wget https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg
rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list
apt update -y && apt full-upgrade -y && apt install proxmox-default-kernel -y && apt install proxmox-ve postfix open-iscsi chrony -y

Once finisced, please reboot the server.

We are now able to login to web interface https://mioip:8006

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