SeFlow Cloud Backup uses the Client Agent to talk with the Console and backup your files.

We created a distribution-agnostic package that can be used if SeFlow Cloud Backup does not have a more specific package available for your Linux distribution.

Please note that in order to avoid distribution-specific differences, the package does not automatically start on boot. You should configure your system to run the launch script in /opt/ on boot (e.g. via a systemd unit, upstart script, /etc/init.d/ script, or a line in init.rc). At the bottom of this article, you can find how to do it.

First of all, we need to download the package. Log in to your console at and press the "Download" button.


Upload on your server and run the installer with


# sh


This is a self-extracting archive.

The installer will

  1. install the software into /opt/SeFlowCloudBackup/ subdirectory
  2. prompt you for an initial username and password
  3. register the current Linux device into you seflow account
  4. start running SeFlow Cloud Backup in the background.

For username/password please use the login of your console details that you received by email. If you make a mistake with the username/password prompt, you should follow the instructions below to completely remove the software, and then start the installation again.


Restarting at boot 

The installer creates a script that can start the service. The SeFlow Cloud Backup agent on "Other Distribution" Linux can be restarted by running the script.

In order for SeFlow Cloud Backup to start after a system reboot, you must configure this script to be run on system boot. Different Linux distributions support different methods for running commands on system boot: choose the most appropriate method for your Linux distribution. Some common choices are documented below.



On CentOS open file /etc/rc.d/rc.local and insert

/opt/SeFlowCloudBackup/ &

Save and now be sure that rc.local file is executable with

chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local



On Debian/Ubuntu open file /etc/rc.local and insert

/opt/SeFlowCloudBackup/ &

Save and now be sure that rc.local file is executable with

chmod +x /etc/rc.local




The "Other Distribution" version of SeFlow Cloud Agent supports upgrading the software, with some caveats:

  • The .run file will automatically upgrade the existing version
  • The software can be remotely upgraded via the SeFlow Cloud Management Portal.

Note: If you delete the directory /opt/SeFlowCloudBackup and all its contents, this will trigger a full-reinstallation of the client software, requiring the username and password.


To uninstall "Other Distribution" versions of SeFlow Cloud Agent, you should

  1. Stop all SeFlowCloudBackup processes (ps ax | grep SeFlowCloudBackup)
  2. Remove the relevant subdirectory under /opt/SeFlowCloudBackup
  3. Remove the boot command from rc.local file



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