You may need to have your SSL certificate reissued for various reasons, such as:

  • A change to your CSR (Certificate Signing Request)
  • The loss of a private key

This article covers:

  1. What are the steps to Reissue an SSL?
  2. How long will it take?
  3. Can an SSL be reissued to another domain?

For a certificate to be reissued, the approver email must approve the reissue.  Approval can only be done via the approval email, not DNS nor file approval email validation. 


  1. What are the steps?

To re-issue a certificate you need to be logged into domflow customer portal. First login here

  1. Select SSL Certificate in the client menu.
  2. Click the Reissue button in the sidebar.
  3. Paste the new CSR Then click Submit

When the information is submitted, an approval email will be sent to the Approval Email address. Once approval is completed the certificate will be sent to the Tech Contact email address. For a certificate to be reissued, the approval email must approve the reissue.  Approval can only be approval email done via the approval email, not DNS nor file validation.    


2. How long does it take for my SSL Certificate to be issued?

The time it takes for an SSL Certificate to be issued will vary depending on the type of SSL Certificate. Note: some processing may take longer if additional information is required for the following:

  • Domain Validation certificates although generally issued the same day can take up to 2 days, after owner approval, to be issued.
  • Organization Validation certificates usually take up to three days, after owner approval, to be issued
  • Extended Validation certificates often take up to 10 days, after owner approval, to be issued. It can take a longer if additional documents are required.


3. Can an SSL be reissued to another domain?


Once issued an SSL Certificate cannot be reissued to a different domain name. If you wish to use an SSL Certificate for a different Common Name, you will need to purchase a new SSL Certificate.   

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