The API enables cloud integration with third party applications. You can manage every aspect of your cloud through the API.  This guide is a complete reference for all API calls and includes detailed API information, code and output examples.

  • The CloudFlow API is RESTful
  • All function calls respond to XML and JSON exchange formats
  • All function calls need authorization and authentication (Basic HTTP or API key)

Full API Guide can be found here.

API Authentication

To authenticate using HTTP Basic, just use your username/password combination. Curl example:

curl –u user:userpass

To authenticate using API key, put your account email as a login and the key to the server as a password.

HTTP Methods

The API uses the following HTTP methods:

GET - used for retrieving information from a particular URI

POST - used for creating new object and adding new transactions into the queue

PUT - used for altering object properties

NOTE: updated_at value is changed in PUT requests even if the request fails.

DELETE - used for object deletion

HTTP response codes

The API returns appropriate HTTP status codes for every request: 

200 OK

The request completed successfully

204 No content

The request completed successfully. The 204 status is returned on DELETE and PUT requests

201 Scheduled

The request has been accepted and scheduled for processing

403 Forbidden

The request is correct, but could not be processed.

404 Not Found

The requested URL is incorrect or the resource does not exist. For example, if you request to delete a user with ID {5}, but there is no such a user in the cloud, you will get a 404 error. 

422 Unprocessable Entity

The sent parameters are erroneous.

500 Internal Server Error

  An error occurred. Please contact support.

Formatting and naming conventions

The table below represents all the existing formatting and naming conventions used in this guide:





stands for username:password combination



stands for address, where your Control Panel is located


stands for the resource ID. 
Sometimes also: :resource_id



all the parameters are italicised


* (asterisk)

marks the required parameters

label *


indicates request examples in XML or JSON

GET /roles.xml
(lightbulb) The element showing new parameters added in the latest release of API. (lightbulb) limit_type – hourly or monthly limit type set for the resource


Q: Is it possible to enable API access via https?

A: yes sure, feel free to choose access that meet your needs.

Q: How are passwords stored – in plain text?

A: No, passwords are not stored in plain text. Except for a login and password combination, you can use email + API key combination to authorize a user via the API. API keys can be generated and changed easily on a user's profile page (as well as through the API). For security reasons we recommend users authenticate through the API key, not the login and password.

Q: Which parameters are required, and which are optional?

A: Required parameters are marked in this guide with an asterisk *.

Full API Guide can be found here.

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