Application server creation process is similar to virtual server creation. The difference is that a specific default template is used automatically during application server creation.

To create an Application Server:

  1. Go to your Control Panel's Application Servers menu.
  2. On the screen that appears, press "+" button or click the Create ApplicationServer button underneath the list of servers on the screen.
  3. Complete the application server creation form:

Step 1 of 4. Cloud Locations


The Cloud Locations step applies to those users who have compute zones assigned to location groups in their billing plan.

If the user's billing plan has several compute zones, some of which are assigned to location groups, whereas others are not - the cloud locations screen will not be available in the wizard.  Also if there is only one location this step will be skipped. In this case the wizard will start with the Properties step.

Indicate your application server's cloud location:

  • Country -  choose the country, where the cloud is located, from the drop-down menu.
  • City - specify the city, where the cloud is located, from the drop-down menu.

Click Next to proceed to the following step of the wizard to specify the application server properties.

Step 2 of 4. Properties


Specify the following application server properties:

  • Label - the label of the application server. The required parameter.
  • Hostname - the hostname of the application server. The required parameter. The hostname should consist of letters [A-Z a-z], digits [0-9] and dash [ - ]. 

Click Next to proceed to the following step of the wizard to specify the application server resources.

Step 3 of 4. Resources


At this step, you can set your application server's resources, such as disk size, network configuration and other.

Compute Resources

  • Compute Zone - the compute zone to build the application server on.

  • Compute resource - the specific compute resource to build the application server on.  Compute resource may be selected automatically according to the set provisioning type.


  • RAM - set the amount of application server's RAM. The recommended RAM amount is at least 512 MB. 
  • CPU Cores - set the amount of application server's CPU cores. For KVM compute resources, this parameter sets CPU sockets by default, unless CPU topology is enabled.
  • CPU Priority (or CPU Units) - set application server's CPU priority. If the CPU units are switched on in the billing plan for this user, then CPU priority is replaced with CPU units. Refer to Billing Calculation section for details on CPU units and CPU priority.

The following options are available for application servers based on KVM compute resources only, providing the Enable CPU topology permission is switched on for the user.

  • Use CPU Topology - move the slider to the right, to set the following parameters:
    • CPU Sockets - set the amount of sockets.

    • CPU Threads - set the amount of threads per core. 

Primary Disk

  • Data Store Zone - choose a data store zone for application server's primary disk.
  • Primary disk size -  set the primary disk size.

Swap Disk

  • Data Store Zone - choose a data store zone for application server's swap disk.
  • Swap disk size - set the swap disk size.  There is no swap disk for Windows-based application servers. In all other cases, swap disk size must be greater than zero.

Network Configuration

  • Network Zone - choose a network zone from the drop-down box.
  • Selected IP address - assign an IP address for the application server from the drop-down menu. Only public IP Address can be chosen. Indicate compute resource and network to have the list of available IPs.
  • Show only my IP address - tick this checkbox to view only own IP addresses in the IP addresses dropbox.
  • Port Speed - set the port speed for this application server

Click Next to proceed to the following step of the wizard that completes the application server creation process.

Do not use CPU Units for KVM compute resources running on CentOS5.

CPU topology (CPU sockets and CPU threads) is the Labs feature preview. Pay attention that setting CPU sockets and CPU threads are at your own risk only!

You may face the following problems when setting CPU topology:

1. Currently you cannot set CPU sockets and threads parameters for existing application servers.

2. After setting, the new parameters won't be shown at the application server details screen.

3. Some Linux application servers fail to boot up.

4. When sockets and threads are set incorrectly, you may face huge load on HV's under CentOS 5.x.

Show IP address selection for new application server option is enabled via the "Specify a network address on new application server page" checkbox on the Settings > Configuration settings screen (under the System tab).

You can't select unlimited port speed if the Network Zone is not selected. In this case the port speed will be 1 by default.
It's possible to create application server with unlimited network speed without selecting a network zone only if you have only one Network Zone assigned to your billing plan.

Step 4. Confirmation


At this step, configure the automation settings. This is the final step of the application server creation wizard.
  • Move the Build Virtual Server slider to the right if you want the system to automatically build the application server. If you leave this box blank, you will have to build your server manually after it is created.

At the Confirmation step you can find the configuration summary of the application server, which will be created.  You can view template's name, RAM size, number of networks, primary disk and swap disk size, number of cores.

After you set up all parameters, click the Create Application Server button to start the creation process.

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